A Look At Some Natural Cures For Kidney Stones
By Muna wa Wanjiru
Natural cures for kidney stones are natural remedies, which are helpful to treat and avoid any unwanted stones in your kidneys. Natural cures of kidney stones are guidelines to tackle kidney stones. Good thing about these guidelines that they are easily available and you can follow them without worrying about side effects.
Natural cures for kidney stones may include several natural ways to tackle this disease for instance to avoid such types of kidney stones; you should drink lots of fluid in a day this will make your urine clear than yellow color. You should avoid calcium in your diet, which would lower the risk of developing calcium stones. However, it has been found from the study that taking normal calcium may be more helpful in reducing calcium stones.
Natural cure of your kidney stone will depends on type and severity of disease such as stone type, stone size and location of stone in the body. If you have calcium oxalate stones in your kidney, then you need to cut down food that have high level of oxalate such as chocolate, tea, rhubarb, cooked spinach and asparagus etc. If you are suffering from acid stones then you should eat less meat, fish, and poultry foods. Sometimes homemade remedies will help you to reduce the level of acid in your urine.
Uric acid crystals in the kidneys are natural ways to dissolve small calcium stones. Small calcium stones are easier and faster to dissolve than large stones. If the size stone is large then it is the time to diagnose
by a doctor. Most of the clinics offer you five-day cleaning and detoxification program that includes the kidney flush drink and kidney herbal formulae. If this program does not work then you need to redo this natural cure kidney program for an additional week.
Hydrangea gives you a natural way to dissolve kidney stones completely and it will enable you to pass them completely. The usage of this natural herbal depends on type and severity of the disease.
There are many natural causes behind of kidney stones such as your family may have a history of kidney stones, it has found from the study that most of affected people are aged 20 to 40, additionally affected people may have one kidney or abnormally shaped kidney. Affected people may be eating high protein diet or they have being regularly dehydrated. It is also found from the study that most of affected people are suffering from poor mobility.
Above described reasons are helpful to find natural cures for kidney stones. It is necessary to know the natural causes behind the occurrence of kidney stones, which will prove to be helpful to take preventive measurements.
To take care of your kidney stones naturally , you need to change your life styles this may includes implementing healthy diet, , body cleansing , exercises, and different traditional and natural therapies. You can find homemade solutions from magazines, newspapers and health shows, which can give you home made remedies to tackle your kidney stones.